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Sue's Coversongs on Smule

Listen to my entire collection of coversongs here on my Smule Profile 

In 2019, my anxiety totally took over my life. One day, when laying in bed, scrolling on Facebook, an advertisement popped up. I watched it.... someone singing a duet, with a famous singer/songwriter, and i got curious. I installed the app, and started to explore it. My first 100 coversongs, was sung with a rusty untrained voice, and without knowing that this hobby would change my life - creating a new focus and in periodes, be able to control my anxiety. 
One of my very first recordings (recorded in the laundry room, as i did not wanted to wake up my entire family) :)

I will continue to sing, no matter how bad people thinks it sound, as i enjoy it, and inspire my children to express their feelings through music. 

When im gone... i live on, through my songs - even they are covers!!! ;)

 One of my latest songs...